


東京生まれ。ペインター。白と黒と、グレーで只管、小さい頃から脳につくってきた世界, モンスターを描く。主に制作の根源は「SHIT,HATE」。東京を中心に、パリ、バンコク、 ロサンゼルスなど国内外でミューラルを中心に活動中。 幼少よりアートスクールで絵を学び、11歳の時、デッサンの授業で、いっしょにスクールに 行っていた友達に圧倒的な技術の差を見せつけられ彼女への嫉妬心で挫折。以降、スクールには 通うものの、自由に描くのみ。絵の上達はいっこうにせず、デッサンが下手なので美大にもいけないという被害妄想に悩まむ。 高校のときの、スケーターの彼氏の影響でストリートアートに出会い、ミューラルペイント、 グラフィティの魅力を知り、虜になるものの、彼らのグラフィティ技術に嫉妬。 ここから、彼女は、絵がうまく描けない「怒りや HATE」、「嫉妬」、「ふざけんな!」のみで 数々の作品を生み出してきました。高校生のときからハーモニー・コリンが神様。

Ly is a painter, born in Tokyo. She has been depicting her inhabited by monsters imaginary world in white, black and gray colours. The source of her work are feelings of anger such as: ‘Shit & Hate.’ She is mainly doing mural painting, and has exhibited in cities world-wide as: Tokyo, Paris, Bangkok, Los Angeles etc. When she was 11 years old, studying painting at an art school, she was overwhelmed by her friends’ drawing mastery. Ly felt very envious of the drawing skills of her friends. Nevertheless, she continued her art education, but only did freehand drawings. As a result she did not improve her drawing skills and she started panicking that she won’t be able to pass the entrance exam for an Art University. Ly finally encountered Street Art through her boyfriend, when she was in high school. She was fascinated by mural paintings and graffiti, but she also felt envious of the street artists’ skills. About that time, she started creating works based on her frustration that she can’t draw skillfully, expressing feelings of : ‘Anger,’ ‘Hate,’ ‘Envy’ and ‘Damn!’ Harmony Korine was her hero from the time in high school. Selected works: ART SHOW「PARK’ S GRAY」(2013, GALLERY TARGET) ART SHOW「harmony」(2014, Gallery COMMON) Mural「HATEFUL LANDSCAPE」(2014, MUJI at Shinjuku) Mural「PARCO’ S PARK」(2015, Shibuya PARCO) Mural「GRAY’ S LANDSCAPE」(2015, PAPABUBBLE) Mural「LUVLUVLUV」(2015, THE JAM FAVTORY / Bangkok)